My intention is to use manual therapy to reconnect you to the present and increase the senses. All sessions are tailored to you and integrate varying techniques to best suit you and your body. I work with a few techniques, including deep tissue work, myofascial release, cupping, Trauma Touch techniques and lymphatic drainage massage.




Lymphatic Drainage

Massage session Rates:

60 min: $110

90 min: $140

120 min: $180

Lymphatic Drainage Session:

30 Min: $40

60 min: $80

New Clients:

60 Min: $90

90 min: $120

Travel Massage:

$40+ based on distance

Travel Rate with packages: 1/2 price


Four 60 min massages: $395

Four 90 min massages: $505

Massages may be shared with others~


Receive $20 off your next session with every referral

Sliding scale pricing options are

available. Contact me to connect~